
As we did in Colorado, we encourage the land and our animals work together by using permaculture techniques and natural farming techniques.

Organic Garden

Our poultry help out in the garden by eating pests and fertilizing the compost for our garden. We never use any pesticides or fertilizers that aren’t organic.

Animal Welfare

We are animal lovers at heart and always think about the animals best interests first before our own.

Every farm has a dreamer with a “how hard could it be” attitude and that would be Catie. She grew up next to a horse farm in Vermont and with plenty of animals to fill her heart early on. She has always worked at veterinary and animal welfare organizations with a Masters of Science in Animal Shelter Management. She loves spending time in the garden with her animals and creating things from scratch: skincare, wine, leather, food, and more.

Bachelors in Neuroscience, MS in Animal Shelter Management

Certified in RECOVER CPR for pets & Fear Free.

Punishment-Free Dog Training: 30 Day Perfect Dog Blueprint certified

Every farm has a logical man with some muscle and Kyle doesn’t disappoint. Kyle grew up in Waleska, GA and then in Florida before he moved to Colorado where he met Catie. He has always been an animal lover, but also a lover of farm fresh meat. When his other half convinced him to get ducks, he knew a farm was next. When he is not on the farm, he is working in software engineering. He loves to train our farm dog, Fry, and show off all his party tricks!

Bachelors & Masters in Chemsitry

Punishment-Free Dog Training: 30 Day Perfect Dog Blueprint certified

We love to connect with other farms, brands, and people to educate and share products we love to use. Send us a DM on social media or email us on our contact page!

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